How to make homemade water decals

Hi Everybody :)

This is a guide on how to make water decals at home:

  1. First, you need the right paper for the decals. I bought mine fairly cheap at in package of 5 sheets (that will go a long way) - remember to buy either injekt or laser, depending on your printer
  2. Then you'll have to find the design, that you want on your nails and scale the images down to fit your nails.
  3. Always do a test-print before printing on the decal paper, so you are sure that they are the right size.
  4. When your images are the right size, print them out on the decal paper and let it dry.
  5. Once dry seal the design with a layer of clear top coat - nail polish-
  6. when the nail polish is dry you can cut out the water decals and they are ready :)    
I hope this was helpful :) 

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